Prayer is an invocation

_______ IT IS AN INVOCATION. It is not a humble, meek and impotent beggary, for personal gains from some convinient mighty power which presides over the helpless destinies of devotees. It is not a submission. It is not done in the spirit of showing our hat around a crowd of Omnipotent Deities. On the … Read more

The power of Pranayam

GM My dear Divine friend; Thank you soo much for your prayers. In case of stroke, the neurologists advise their patients about physio therappy… without having (I would say) much knowledge of what actually, it is !! We call it PRANAYAM. Prana is to be known as ‘life-energy’ with the mere touch of which dead … Read more

*** The HOLY BASIL ….…

    Shri Tulasi Gayatri Mantra – Om Tripuraya Vidmahaye Tulasi Patraya Dhimahi Tannoo Tulasi Prachodhayat TULASI…”the central sectarian symbol of Hinduism” ………In Hindu mythology, Tulsi (“matchless”) is known as Vaishnavi (“belonging to Vishnu”), Vishnu Vallabha (“beloved of Vishnu”), Haripriya (“beloved of Vishnu”), Vishnu Tulsi, Shri-Tulsi (“fortunate Tulsi”); Rama-Tulsi (“bright Tulsi”); Shyama-Tulsi (“dark Tulsi”) or … Read more

Narrow/broad minded

No one suffers due to ‘ BROAD MINDEDNESS ‘. All suffering are mainly due to NARROW MINDED attitude which not only restrains good expend of ENERGY and thus affects the growth, but it also involves increase in DEPENDENCE.

Pseudo spirituality

PSEUDO-SPIRITUALISM: Trying to create a beneficial status by quickly giving any reasoning .. is matching to PSEUDO-SPIRITUALISM. e.g. : Some people while in India they support any conservative political party; But while they go to America (US), there they support liberal party there. Please share your view here.

The matter of language and cult

The matter of language and cult Sanskrit The oldest sacred language Of the Hindus Zend = old Persian The oldest sacred language Of the Iranians Greek and latin Old sacred languages Of the Europeans All together the Indo-European languages The Egyptian Hieroglyphic script The Sumerian Cuneiform script Copied by Babylonians Old semitic and non-semitic languages … Read more

Ultimate,it is; TRUTH ! …..

” The Eternal Teaching.” Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.  Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.  “You and I are the same. What I have done is surely possible for all. You are … Read more

What is physical body?

NAU DARVAZAY, DASWAN DUAR. BUJH RE GYANI EHU BEECHAR. —- Guru Nanak (SGGS, Page 142). The body has nine openings into the physical world. There is the TENTH GATE opening to the spiritual realm. It is a fact known to the enlightened souls. Through this gate awareness gets connected to the spiritual world, the REAL … Read more

the unseen

In a country like our India where per capita income is less compared to many developed countries, and here many people follow unethical means to earn their income and thus lead to unspiritual method in their day to day activities. And, though these people become rich quickly, and, also earn good respect in the EYE … Read more

The intention of speech

When someone speak or talk about something, by listening carefully if you could and are able to make out their intention about the talk and its content/subject, even if they do not mention it (intention), even then in that matter you could make out : what is good or bad, what is right or wrong, … Read more

A New earning

Who, in this life earns maximum money among the following…. 1) Is the one who WONDERS about the past life?; …. or …. 2) Who WORRIES about this life?? ..or …. 3) The one who PLANS for the next life???

A positive ego

Very good morning and best wishes to our all spiritual seekers. A positive ego helps us to learn more and to expand and develop our knowledge; and thus attaining empowerment. Whereas a negative ego makes us become arrogant, incompetent and leads to adopt deviation from righteous path.

? Hare krishna…..

?….Enchanting !!!? Kastuurii-Tilakam Lalaatta-Pattale Vakssah-Sthale Kaustubham Naasa-Agre Nava-Mauktikam Karatale Vennum Kare Kangkannam | Sarva-Angge Haricandanam Sulalitam Kanntthe Ca Muktaavalim Gopa-Strii Parivessttito Vijayate Gopaala Cuuddaamannih || ..MAdhura-bhakti (Devotion through Love, pure Love). *The fervent devotion to Krishna of milkmaids (Gopikas) of Brindavan, particularly of RadhA…  RadhA, the beloved of Krishna; ॐ  हरिः ॐ…. ?spoke no word except … Read more

Mind and man

Mind is a flow of thought just as river is a flow of water

Man’s basic personality derives its essence from the quality and texture of his mind and intellect. Mind is the seat of impulses and feelings and it’s common in all living beings including animals. For eg… if one pulls the tail of a dog then it’s immediate reaction is to bark and show anger. It reacts … Read more

Rudrastak- The glories of Lord shiva

Hare krsna, Oh Lord Shiva you drank poison which came out after churning of the ocean to save us and generations , how can I be ungrateful to you? The best of Stotras and shashtras are the result of discussion between you and mother parvati You are the greatest of the Vaishnava I bow down … Read more

हॉं मैं जड़ हूं…

हॉं मैं जड़ हूं… हॉं मैं जड़ हूं…चेतन को जन्म देने वाली, हॉं मैं जड़ हूं….समस्त भार उठाने वाली मैं अवयक्ता मैं परिपक्ववता मैं अल्हड़ता मैं समत्वता, मैं जीवनदायनी मैं मुक्तिवाहनी मैं अचल मैं अटल नाम की होड़ में मैं नहीं कहीं ,काम की दौड़ मे मैं हर कहीं क्या मिला क्या खो दिया बही … Read more


नदी मैं नदी जीवनदायनी तप्त हुई,पर उड़ चली रिमझिम बरसी हर तरफ खिलखिलाती बह चली बिखेरती धन धान्य हर तरफ पर्वतों को चिरती चट्टानों से टकराती अनवरत कोशिश करती,उमड़ चली मजि़ल की ओर जब कभी जकड़ी गयी प्रचंड बन मैं लड़ पड़ी विथ्वंस मैं भी दे गयी वरदान नहरों के समान मिल गयी सागर में … Read more

? Thoughts ? …. Thinking

? ?Mmmmm…. is the most essential task. It depends on ‘what/how one is thinking’. Positive thinking is always good brings in good thoughts… Nnno! Negativ?e ?, stop  ✋.   “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes … Read more

Letter to my daughter

Letter to my daughter Dear Daughter, Authenticity blends the inner and the outer with strength and with highest beauty. It really does not matter, how one looks at you, with which impression. If you can authenticate your actions, your inner power shall protect you. How much you have served your family, need not be certified … Read more


A moment Yes only a moment… An exclusive moment An absorbing moment A special moment When A prayer is offered A prayer is granted *********************** On the lonely sea shore When the serenity envelops the full being The active breeze whispers Why are you here dear! The heart responds “HE always attracts” “HE always attracts” … Read more

A FATHER’s Promise

a father's promise

WHEN I leave this wonderful earth…… My dear daughter! Never grieve…. Never feel I am not there…… Fathers never leave…. My father has not left me…. I shall never leave you alone…. This is my promise…… How can a father leave his daring little one…? The thick blood of the heart flows so freely As … Read more

The tree

The tree The tree in many cultures a place of gathering a sacred, shaded place A place where people share their goods and words Questions, answers, statements, thoughts, ideas Verse and Controverse Where some agree and others disagree Where people share their point of view and viewpoints A place where words become sacred And sacred … Read more

Vishnu and Mahadeva

The blessed Vishnu said, ‘I saluted Mahadeva, saying,– Salutations to thee, O thou that art the eternal origin of all things. The Rishis say that thou art the Lord of the Vedas. The righteous say that thou art Penance, thou art Sattwa, thou art Rajas, thou art Tamas, and thou art Truth… He who is … Read more

The wrong road ….

Towards the Light

I was enjoying walking along the sea shore digging my bare feet in the moist sand below Hey! you are on the wrong road came a voice from afar just come over here on this concrete footpath But ! I said is so sweet on this soft damp sandy beach the hard heated cement … Read more


I am grateful to The fleeky website for giving me an opportunity to share my views with international intellectual fraternity . I hope this platform will go a long way in establishing inner world bond and intimate relationship with my brethren separated by geographical boundaries but connected spiritually, without any distinction of caste, race, nationality … Read more

What after enlightenment?

Sign of Khalsa

Enlightenment is the the final state in man’s journey through this world. This is the highest point of human evolution Compared to ordinary mortals it is a super human phenomenon . An enlightened person leaves behind death,hell, heaven,material possessions, narrow and limiting relationships. His mind and body are in perfect health . His departure from … Read more

Enlightenment and human sufferings

There are three main components of a human being; Spirit, Mind , Body. Mind is the adhesive or connecting component between Spirit and Body. The characteristics of Spirit and Body are easily understandable and define-able. Spirit is indestructible and unchangeable whereas Body is destructible and changeable. These are two extremes of a human being. Interestingly … Read more

The advent of Sikhism

मिट्ठत नीवी नानका गुण चंगीआइआ तत् । The greatest event of the Christian Era is the Incarnation of Guru Nanak Dev and the advent of Sikhism under the divine patronage of Shri Guru Gobind Singh. The tenth Sikh Guru conferred the status of Living Body of the GURUS on Shri Guru Granth Sahib. No wonder … Read more

Enlightenment and universal Thought Bank

An enlightened person has access to Universal Thought Bank or Metaphysical Bank, which is a treasury of all kinds of ideas, thoughts, divine laws, scientific principles, emotions, imagination and any other metaphysical phenomenon known by any other name. All these items have always been present in the Universal Thought Bank. The enlightened persons have been … Read more


Food clothing and shelter are the basic needs of the BODY MACHINE for proper maintenance and smooth functioning. Notwithstanding the quality and quantity of the objects available to satisfy these needs, the level of comfort and satisfaction is purely a subjective matter for each individual . A person enjoying the comforts of a palace and … Read more

Spirituality made easy: a spiritual riddle

What/ who am “I ” ? I am not man/woman/transgender or any other creature? I am not body/soul/spirit/mind/memory/imagination ,intelligence,logic or any component that constitutes a human being. I am not any solid or abstract known to human beings. There is no word in human lexicon that is synonym or antonym of “I”. I am not … Read more

Spirituality made easy – the purpose of life

SPIRITUALITY MADE EASY: ( The Purpose of Life): The purpose of life first of all is to evolve from an animal being to spiritually evolved human being. After that nothing needs to be done, every thing begins to happen of its own. What happens when spiritually evolved is more to be experienced than to be … Read more

Spirituality made easy – insights (the ultimate observer)

A spirituality awakened person leads a balanced and near perfect life passing through the material world unaffected by its deceptive appearances and stifling entanglements created by men and material. He is constantly under surveillance of the ULTIMATE OBSERVER that chases him day and night following him through every nook and corner of the world. He … Read more

Double standards

  बुरा जो देखन मैं चला बुरा ना मिलिया कोय । जब मन ढूँढा आपना तो मुझ से बुरा न कोय ।। I like to borrow from from others. But dislike to lend I remember what others owe me But forget what I owe to others I want others to honor their commitments But I … Read more

The winner

When you run after God You are in fact running away from Him Stand still and motionless And He will come Himself looking for you When lost The child is not so much worried as the father How can God, the Supreme Father, Lose count of his lost children … God is the undisputed winner … Read more

Scripture Panchnad

I express my deep sense of gratitude and regards to Prof. Deepti Dhamija Gupta , Department of English, Punjab University, Chandigarh who has sent to me a scripture PANCHNAD penned down by her illustrious father Prof. C L Dhamija, formerly Head, Department of English, DAV College, Chandigarh who happens to be a fully evolved and … Read more

The travails of Old Age

The old persons living in the company of pre-teen children live a very long and healthy life, both physically and mentally . Most of the physical and mental ailments of the old age result from the sense of being isolated, discarded and neglected. This problem is assuming alarming proportions in today’s disintegrated families. This sense … Read more

Natural Recycling

Life is Motion and it is sustained by Divine and Natral principles. Everything in Nature is in AUTO PILOT MODE. Nobody except human beings have the limited power to intervene and rewrite the Natural Laws and Principles. Human beings can be called the God appointed Administrators of this universe to maintain the balance of various … Read more

Core Character

* Sometimes hot and sometimes cold Sometimes warm and sometimes cool Sometimes still and sometimes mobile Solid, liquid, gas – anywhere, any time. But these are the peripheral characters of water. The central character is one, and always constant: Life giver – life sustainer it is ……. O Jigasou! Like water, human relations too are … Read more

Blessings in disguise…

Happy princess a dream

I’ve been mad , bad n’ glad …………at times I’ve been sad ………………..I’ve been the storm ………………………..I’ve been the lull ……………………………I’ve even lived life ………………………………in between the two as well I’ve laughed n’ I’ve cried …… times I’ve even tried ………..very hard to stop my frown ……………n’ give a charming smile ………………….n’ forget that I … Read more

My Dentist’s Clinic

One day I had severe pain in my mouth so I went to my dentist. “Nothing wrong with your teeth” declared the dentist after examination, “but your tongue is oversized and over-agile.” She concluded. “Scrape it or stitch it but relieve me of pain doctor” I requested earnestly. “I can’t do that” she continued, “only … Read more

The drop and the ocean

The OCEAN comprises of all the DROPS. The DROP is connected to the OCEAN. Each drop is connected to another drop though it may not be so aware. Where is the OCEAN ? It is where each drop is. No specific place !!! Can be put the ocean at one particular spot ? Obviously not … Read more


Fire-place is the first place which a fire burns. LUST, GREED, ANGER, HATE are all fires and you know which place these will burn first. Have we ever seen a fire being put out by putting more firewood on it. The more is put on it the more it will ask for. None will be … Read more

Be simple

God, life , spirituality, virtue, wisdom, are all SIMPLE affairs. Simple understanding can transform us and the life around us. Intellectual exercises by the ones eager to show themselves at a higher level of understanding and their selfish interests to retain prominence and dominance are all red-herrings and lead away from the practical aspect of … Read more


Look at the wonderful impact made on the corrupt and the corruption in just about two and a half years of administration by a very high profile govt under an extremely dynamic and most honest PM !!! During the historic exercise of removing corruption and black marketing where almost the complete country is involved and … Read more


GAOO BACCH KO SANCHAI KHEER. GALAA BANDH DUHi LAY AHEER. ( Kabir — Guru Granth Sahib) The cow stores milk for the calf. The herdsman (milkman) ties its neck and milks it !! Don’t we all live on exploitation !! Also, what is the use of collecting and sitting upon wealth, which may be of … Read more


Need or otherwise, we do often pray to God for or take for guaranteed His love, sympathy, mercy, compassion and help of some sorts. Do we also have these in us for others ? If not, then what face or justification we have to ask from God which we are unwilling to ourselves give or … Read more

A stage of awakening

The world seems to have reached a stage of awakening, mental development, interdependence and understanding that domination and browbeating of one nation or group by the other is likely to become a thing of the past. Major powers keep making efforts to maintain a sort of equilibrium while guarding their strategic interests. The proliferation of … Read more

Under His will


A sea of compassion


Sympathy and remorse

Nothing to exult or rejoice at the moment. Evident suffering, losses, frustration and inconveniences can be ignored or laughed away by the indifferent and clever by half only. Benefits and the promises are hazy, unclear, unsure and distant. NO WORD OF SYMPATHY OR REMORSE FROM THE POWERS THAT BE !!! IS IT NOT SURPRISING AND … Read more