A Tribute To My Teacher


Last night was Maghi Purnima – full moon night occurring in the month of Magh of spring season as per Hindu calendar.


The settings and timings were perfect for the spiritual climax.


The sun, the monarch of the sky and significator of soul, was in my house of gains directly aspecting the moon in his own sign, who happens to be the lord my spiritual evolution.

Jupiter, significator of spirituality and preceptor, was directly aspecting my house of ‘self’ while saturn who controls my gains and losses was energizing the house of my karma by his physical presence.


O dear teacher!


What I saw outside, up above, was just a replica of what was happening inside.


You were filling my entire inner sky with all your loving light…..

And I, having lost the sense of my I-ness, was  blooming with all the petals wide open to receive your grace.


In what words can I express my gratitude to you when silence is the only way ahead to reach you?



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