Prayer is an invocation


It is not a humble, meek and impotent beggary, for personal gains from some convinient mighty power which presides over the helpless destinies of devotees. It is not a submission. It is not done in the spirit of showing our hat around a crowd of Omnipotent Deities. On the other hand, Prayer, in its truest sense , is an attempt to invoke the mighty potentialities that are already in us through a process of mental integration.
My radio-set, is not, in any sense of the term , begging the BBC when it is perfectly tuned to BBC ! The BBC can not deny my drawing room atmosphere its news! Similarly the Supreme can not deny us if we are rightly tuning ourselves upto IT through the divine process of invocation. Invocation is the demand made by the head, prayer is a meek submission by the heart.

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