Ultimate,it is; TRUTH ! …..

” The Eternal Teaching.”

Happiness is your nature.

It is not wrong to desire it.

What is wrong is seeking it

outside when it is inside.

 Your own Self-Realization

is the greatest service you can

render the world.

 “You and I are the same.

What I have done is surely

possible for all.

You are the Self

now and then can never be

anything else.

Throw your worries to the wind,

turn within and find Peace.

      Ramana Maharshi

* Remain quiet, O mind, you will become Brahman.


A frog, Wise, he thought of himself, was in a suitable hiding place, when a snake wriggled in search of it but could not see. The frog, ecstatic, started singing…..

‘Knowing this many years

Enemy snake has no ears

Alas! It has poor vision

Make easy for my mission

Merrily merrily, I can sing

Without any harmful thing’

…Snakes have trouble seeing things that are not moving. But its other senses such as smell, heat etc are strong, having inner ear structures to receive the airborne sound waves.

…Yes of course , by croaking, the frog invited the snake and … Oh !

Due to his half baked knowledge, the frog lost its life.

“By fault of their own mouth, parrots, mynahs get caught. Storks, however are not caught —


* WE, Too, talk more and expose our weaknesses thinking that the opponent is not intelligent.

* Mere mauna in speech is no good; mauna of the mind is real mauna, state in which the mind is merged into its source with no more separate existence. Turning within, remaining in silence ,truth is realized.

The best means of communication is silence beyond the influence of body or mind.

* The silence, that remains in divine depth forms the core of all activities. Work should be undertaken, pursued ultimately to the work-less state of divine silence and endless peace. 

* Being silent induces silence in others too. There is to quiet contemplation, wherever/whatever BE.


The SILENT…..Mind

So then ……














The Solution is right here, …CONTEMPLATE….

“Go on constantly performing action, but keep renouncing the fruits of it. On the one hand, no matter what action we do, we should first renounce the fruit…on the other that some actions must perforce be renounced, yet others are worth performing.

??? How are these two statements to be reconciled?”

The answer interprets clearly the direction in which life should proceed..secret of the renunciation of fruit.

In ‘s a n n y a a s a’ (renunciation) action is renounced i.e. the form of action itself…

But in ‘t y a a g a’ (sacrifice), ation is not renounced, but the fruit of it…

* “If there is defect in all actions, then why should we not give them up all?”

The concept of giving up all actions is very fascinating. But how is one to give up these countless actions?

Renouncing the good along with evil, not only will the good, due to its force, not perish, but evil will certainly increase.

(drive away the cat, a nuisance, the nuisance of the mice increases, destroy the snakes, harmful, other creatures multiply, destroy crops, thousands of people may die.) Therefore, renunciation must be accompanied with discrimination.

* How then to renounce them?

All the s a a t t v i k actions must be done, but its fruits thrown off. Some actions must be utterly rooted out, while of others only the fruit should be plucked and thrown away.(stain on the body, is washed off, but if the skin itself is dark , no use of giving a white- wash…Let the dark color remain…in no way it is inauspicious.)

…Energies must not be resisted by swimming against the current, but try to cross over with the help of actions flowing with the current. Thereby, little by little, actions ceases by itself..i.e. without renunciation of action, activity will fall off.

(A policeman shouts at the top of his voice, “SILENCE!” to end the noise-intense action, Another person merely lifts his finger and people become quiet. A third person has but to come there, and stillness descends…One exerted, performed an action, the action of the second was a gentle gesture; the action of the third was subtle.)

* Action will not leave, but activity will disappear. Activity becomes progressively less; An inward purity grows, the effort in the action becomes less. From effort to gentleness, from gentleness to subtlety, and from subtlety to nothingness.  Action is most desired by the Doer….

As Panini, in Grammar, states

“k a r t u b i  i p s i t a t a m a m  k a r m a”

in a Sentence, “that, the Subject – k a r t a,(the doer)… most desires to encompass the Object – the k a r m a , (the action).”

*** It is to go on working without thinking of the fruit. Then little by little, the state of actioNless-ness is attained.

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