October 2, a great day to remember

October, 2, is the important day to remember the person who stood steadpast for his own truthful principles, who stood strong, unmoving, uncompromising his principles whatever might be the cost to his own life, and for self respect.of his own, and that of his own Nation and it’s people. That great person – M.K. Gandhi, lovingly called as ‘Bapu’, and, later Father of the Nation, and Mahatma Gandhi for his leadership for National Independance Struggle, and thus subsequently succeding in obtaining freedom from British Rule in India, thru Non-violent strougle – the AHIMSAA SATYAGRAHA. Though it is not known now whetner any Indian could gain such a high level of spiritual strength of dedication for non- violence and tolerance, and courage for seeking true justice, freedom and self – respect, it is all important to every Indian to salute this Noble person for his great contribution for bringing end of foreign rule in India.
© ABC Narayan/a2ztruth/October -2/Gandhi Jayanti

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