Wave of the ocean

a nice rhyming
a nice way to invoke
to attract waves of the ocean
to rise high
and subside in their
own rising….

sometimes i wonder
seeing my distractions
and question in astonishment
why such distraction happen dear
why am i not completely blended
in your breath
in your sheath…
in your nature
fully in your picture…

why am i so distracted
oh my lord
being with you
within and
in the universe
why am i put
into these tests
again and again….

neither is i Karna
nor Arjuna….
Neither Ravana
nor the huge muscle man

why i rise and fall
again rising in agony
my confidence freezing
in these repetitive play
of win and loss

…………. then a
whispering sound
arrived from the dense mist
while i was perpetrating
lying on the floor in the
expanded jungle…..

“just stay witness
without a judgment
and enjoy the bliss of your
own existence………”

folding both my palm
i closed my eyes…..
in gratitude…… when the
guilty sense i me melted
like a lighted candle….
making me visible the
interior of my heart……………………