the goddess energy

Prana shakti …

the vital force
The one which fills
The body with prana
Keeps it alive
In working condition

Vata the yaau
Is the causative factor
Responsible for
Any movement in the body
From liquid form to solid form

Also responsible for
Division , formation
Growth & death
Surprised over death ?
Yes. ..

Every moment you’re dying
But growing also
At a spinning rate
Yet silently at a slow pace

Your body cells are dying
Thoughts and emotions also
But every death is being followed
By regeneration & growth

But when the prana is distorted
Every thing gets distorted
Your thoughts , emotions
Growth & death

It’s the same prana
Which is working at cosmic levels too
Continues death & rebirth
of stars and glaxies
The movement of planets and stars
All is becoz of this Prana shakti
When prana imbalanced
High up in the sky
Hell breaks & fires fall

Movement of clouds and rains
Air , wind & breeze
Seas and waves
Summers, winters
Autumn and spring
Prana is behind everything
The live causative factor
Though not alive by it self
When distorted again
See what happens
You see & hear in the news

But no life can be there
Without this Prana shakti
In case of humans
Here comes the significance
Of pranayam. …
To increase / enhance
The ayam of this prana shakti

So as to be one with the one
To be in harmony
And retain the balance
With the whole
Though as a unit
Yet , an integral part of the whole

My midnight musings ♡ ~☆~ ♡


Prana shakti ... the vital force The one which fills The body with prana Keeps it alive In working condition Vata the yaau Is the causative factor Responsible for Any movement in the body From liquid form to solid form Also responsible for Division , formation Growth & death Surprised over death ? Yes. .. Every moment you're dying But growing also At a spinning rate Yet silently at a slow pace Your body cells are dying Thoughts and emotions also But every death is being followed By regeneration & growth But when the prana is distorted Every thing gets distorted Your thoughts , emotions Growth & death It's the same prana Which is working at cosmic levels too Continues death & rebirth of stars and glaxies The movement of planets and stars All is becoz of this Prana shakti When prana imbalanced High up in the sky Hell breaks & fires fall Movement of clouds and rains Air , wind & breeze Seas and waves Summers, winters Autumn and spring Prana is behind everything The live causative factor Though not alive by it self When distorted again See what happens You see & hear in the news But no life can be there Without this Prana shakti In case of humans Here comes the significance Of pranayam. ... To increase / enhance The ayam of this prana shakti So as to be one with the one To be in harmony And retain the balance With the whole Though as a unit Yet , an integral part of the whole My midnight musings ♡ ~☆~ ♡ sunita
prana shakti

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